About Us

It's one thing to recognize a compelling need. It's quite another to deliver the perfect solution. With the introduction of Perfect Pod in 2005, ARM Enterprises accomplished just that.
ARM's founder was faced with the challenge of developing a product that could meet a variety of compelling needs. How do we make a coffee cup that gets reused rather than thrown away and piling up in our landfills? How can we be sure our solution makes sense economically? And how can we introduce a product that lets coffee drinkers enjoy that special coffee they crave at home?
The answer was the Perfect Pod refillable coffee capsule. Perfect Pod capsules are affordable, durable and easy to use. When used in combination with Keurig® coffee brewers, they provide an uncommonly satisfying cup of coffee. And they can be used over and over again.
Today, Perfect Pod offers the most complete line of refillable capsules and filters on the market, and we continue to introduce innovative, highly functional products that enrich each customer's coffee drinking experience. We're so confident that you will enjoy using our products, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. We hope you'll put Perfect Pod capsules to the test with the coffee of your choice.